"My Love, My Treasure, My Family"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Chambeando con orgullo / Working with pride

Que Domingo! / What a Sunday!

Todo empezo como un bonito dia Domingo, fuimos a la capilla y al regresar empeze a fotografiar a mis hermosos hijos. Erik se mira muy bien, con traje parece todo un misionero. Estabamos todos bromeando y jugando antes de sentarnos a comer nuestra cena. Cuando...
Everything started as a beautiful Sunday, we went to church and after we came back home I started taking some pictures of my beautiful children. Erik looks so nice in his suit, he looks just like a missionary. We were all joking and playing before we had dinner. When...

Antes / Before

Despues / After
Erik decidio que seria divertido deslizarse en el pasillo con sus calcetines especialmente resbalosos. Lo que no sabia es que despues se le atravesaria Pedrito, haciendolo destantearse y caer encima de su pie derecho. Termino con una pequena fractura en su pie y un yeso que llevara por las siguientes 4 a 6 semanas. Todavia se sigue viendo guapo verdad?
Erik decided it would be fun to slide down the hallway with his very slippery socks. What he didn't know was that Pedrito would cross his path making him loose his balance by trying to avoid hitting him. He ended up falling on top of his right foot which got a little fracture. He will now wear that cast for the next 4 to 6 weeks. He still looks handsome, don't you think?

Quien necesita Tylenol cuando hay galletas recien horneadas?
Who needs Tylenol when there are homemade sugar cookies?

Hoy Lunes vino mi mama y mi hermana a chiquiar un poco a Erik. Cuatro pizzas cumplieron la mision de hacerlo sentir mejor. Noten su cara de felicidad. / Today, Monday, my mom and my sister came to see Erik and pamper him a little bit. Four pizzas accomplished the mission. Can you tell in his face?

Angie goes to the Temple for the first time :)

Angie no desperdicio cinco minutos para tomar una micro-mini siesta antes de irnos al templo.
Angie didn't waste those precious five minutes to take a micro-mini nap before leaving for the temple.
Angie cumplio doce anos Marzo 5, y este viernes, el mismo dia que nos visitaron Paty y Joe, las jovencitas del barrio fueron a hacer bautizmos por los muertos en el templo y fue la primera vez para Angie. Me senti contenta de poder estar ese dia con ella, ya que soy la presidenta de las jovenes en la rama a la que asistimos. Todo la experiencia fue muy linda pero si miran ojeras muy marcadas, es porque nos levantamos poco antes de las 4 a.m. para arreglarnos, juntarnos en la capilla con el resto de las jovenes y los lideres a las 4:30 a.m. y estar en el templo todos listos a las 5 a.m. Aqui esta Andrea una de las mejores amigas de Angie, cansada pero presente.

Angie turned 12 years old on March 5th, and last Friday, the same day Paty and Joe came to visit us, the young women from the church went to do baptisms for the dead in the temple and it was Angie's first time. I was so happy to be able to be there since I was called as the Young Women's President for the Spanish branch where we've been going for the past two months. It was a beautiful experience but if you see dark circles under our eyes it's because we had to get before 4 a.m., meet everybody else at church at 4:30 a.m. and be at the temple at 5 a.m.

That's Angie with one of her best friends Andrea.

Baby Thomas Huston

Este Viernes vinieron mi cunada Paty y su esposo Joe a visitarnos junto con su bebe Thomas. Estuvieron solo un rato ya que tenian que regresar a Yuma el mismo dia, pero estas son solo dos fotos que le tome a Thomas para que lo conozcan en Sacramento, ya que no todos lo conocen todavia. Tiene nueve meses y es un muy buen nino, muy tranquilo y sonriente. / Last Friday, my sister-in-law Paty and her husband Joe came to visit with their new baby, Thomas. They were here just for a little while since they had to go back to Yuma on the same day, but I took this pictures before they left so the family in Sacramento can see him for the first time. He is nine months old and is a nice, quiet, and smily baby.

Estas son algunas fotos que tomamos esta semana. Estos dos changuitos son mis modelos favoritos para posar frente a la camara. Pedrito aqui estaba sonriendo mucho porque tenia ganas de brincar en la cama como Emma, pero como no podia solo le daba mucha risa y prefirio ponerse a jugar con la pelota. / These are some of the pictures we took this week. As you can see these two little monkeys are my favorite models to pose in front of my camera. In these pictures, Pedrito was just laughing because he was trying to jump on the bed like Emma but he was a little nervous, so he decided to play with the little ball instead.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Estoy apenas aprendiendo a usar mi nuevo pasatiempo favorito "el blog" para poder estar en contacto con nuestros familiares y amigos. Ademas es adorable ver a mis hermosos hijos y guapisimo esposo en la pantalla de la computadora. Espero que esta sea una buena manera de que nuestros familiares que viven lejos y que aun no conocen a mi nuevo angelito, sepan que estamos bien y aunque con desafios cada dia, somos felices y estamos juntos, que es lo mas importante. / I am just barely learning to use my new favorite hobby "blogging" to stay in touch with our family and friends. Besides, I love to see my beautiful children and handsome husband on the screen of my computer. I really hope this will be a good way for those relatives who live far away and don't even know my new baby, to know that we are doing good even with the challenges we face everyday, we are happy and we are together which is what matters most.


La Tumba de Selena en Corpus Cristi

Estando a dos horas de San Antonio, no podiamos irnos sin ir a ver el lugar donde reposan los restos de Selena. El cementerio esta a solo una cuadra del mar. Fue muy interesante y triste a la vez estar en este lugar. / Just two hours away from San Antonio, we couldn't leave without visiting the resting place of Selena. The cemetery is just a block away from the shore. It was interesting and sad to be standing there.

Este dia nos lo pasamos en Sea World. Nos encanto no solo porque es mas grande y con mas juegos, pero porque no esta tan abarrotado de gente como en California. / This is our day in Sea World. We loved this park not only because it's bigger and has more rides than the one in California, but also because you don't have the multitudes you see in San Diego.

Erik y Pedro probando la silla electrica. / Erik and Pedro trying out the electric chair.

En la foto anterior, esta El Alamo detras de nosotros. Esta foto lo muestra un poco mas de cerca.

In the last picture, The Alamo is right behind us. This picture shows it a little closer.

El Riverwalk Mall

Trip to San Antonio/ Viaje a San Antonio

Okay, estas fotos son de Marzo del 2009 cuando nos fuimos de vacaciones a San Antonio por una semana. Nos la pasamos muy bien y pensamos un dia volver a hacer ese viajecito de 14 horas pero que bien vale la pena. Visitamos lugares como El Alamo, Sea World, el Riverwalk, y algunos otros museos como el de "Aunque usted no lo crea" y "El museo de cera". Okay, this pictures are from the trip we made to San Antonio last March. We had such a good time and hope to make that little fun trip (14 hrs.) someday because it was totally worth it. We visited places like The Alamo, Sea World, the Riverwalk, and some museums like "Believe it or Not" and the "Wax Museum".